Journal articles


  • Jung, C. K. (2007). Effective technical writing for Korean scientists and engineers. Seoul: Book Korea. (ISBN: 978-89-9252-119-2) [book]

Culums, TV, radio, and newspaper interviews


  • 정채관(2018.5.23). [북한교육②] 北도 사교육 시장 있다..”악기·영어·수학과외 인기”. 뉴스핌. [기사읽기].
  • 정채관(2018.5.14). “北고교에 원어민 교사”…회담 앞두고 김정은 영어교육 주목. CBS 노컷뉴스. [기사읽기].
  • 정채관(2018.5.9). 우상화 벗어나 세계화 추구..달라지는 北 교육체계. 뉴스핌. [기사읽기].
  • 정채관(2018.3.24). [S 스토리] 실시간 통역 ‘척척’… 외국어 울렁증 ‘뚝’. 세계일보. [기사읽기]



  • 정채관(2014.1.22). 한글로 배우는 영어. JTBC 생활백과.


Technical documents & manuals


  • Jung, C. K. (2011, October). AntConc 3.2.4 Readme File in Korean. (Note: AntConc is a UNICODE compliant freeware corpus software for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux systems, Updated on the AntConc Homepage on 7 October 2011)
  • Jung, C. K. (2011, June). AntConc Readme File in Korean. (Note: AntConc is a UNICODE compliant freeware corpus software for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux systems, Updated on the AntConc Homepage on 30 June 2011)
  • Jung, C. K. (2011). AntConc 3.2.1 Readme File in Korean. (Note: AntConc is a UNICODE compliant freeware corpus software for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux systems, Updated on the AntConc Homepage on 26 June 2011)

  • Jung, C. K. (2024). Enhancing English grammar learning through corpus approaches. Second English Education, 17(1), 219-234.


  • Jung, C. K. (2022). Introduction to the special issue and learner corpora research in Asia Pacific. Corpora, 17(SI), 1-3.
    Jong, Y. O., & Jung, C. K. (2022). The development of English-based STEAM programs for elementary school students. Studies in Foreign Language Education, 36(1), 55-73.


  • Jong, Y. O., & Jung, C. K. (2021). Exploring the benefits of extensive reading based on an analysis of British-American children’s books. Journal of Education & Culturea, 27(4), 425-448.
  • Jung, C. K. (2021). Designing and building the Korean English Learners’ Spoken Corpus (KELSC). Studies in Foreign Language Education, 35(3), 209-223.
  • Choi, E. S. & Jung, C. K. (2021). A corpus analysis of British-American children’s adventure novels: Treasure Island. The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 21(1), 333-342.


  • Park, H. S. & Jung, C. K. (2020). An analysis of the continuity among reading passages in high school English textbooks in the 2009 and 2015 revised English curriculums. Studies in Foreign Language Education, 34(4). 179-202.
  • Jung, C. K. (2020). A review of emerging research trends within Asia Pacific Journal of Corpus Research (Vol. 1, No. 1) and some insights on research issues. Asia Pacific Journal of Corpus Research, 1(1), 127-132.
  • Kim, T. G. & Jung, C. K. (2020). A corpus-based study of English vocabulary in the Graduate Equivalency Test (GET), Study of Humanities, 33, 315-336.
  • Jung¸ Y. N. & Jung¸ C. K. (2020). A comparative study of vocabulary in secondary English textbooks in North Korea and South Korea: A corpus-based approach. Secondary English Education, 13(2), 53-70.
  • Jung, C. K. (2020). Developing the spoken English learner corpus of Korean high school graduates (SELCKHSG): Challenges and opportunities. Studies in Foreign Language Education, 34(2), 277-300.
  • Jin, K. A. & Jung, C. K. (2020). Exploring Korean elementary school students’ prior learning of English before 3rd grade. Primary English Education, 26(1), 83-107.


  • Jung, C. K. (2018). The development of a common English National Curriculum for Koreans (CENCK). Studies in Foreign Language Education, 32(4), 47-82. [article]


  • Jung, C. K. & Kwon, H. S. (2017). A study on derived and inflected forms of the basic vocabulary in the 2015 revised English curriculum: A corpus approach. Studies in Foreign Language Education, 31(2), 175-201. [article]
  • Jung, C. K., Park, Y. S., Park, H. Y., Jang, G. J. (2017). 2017 Simulation of the High School Graduate Equivalency Test (HSGET). The Journal of Curriculum and Evaluation, 20(2), 31-57. [article]
  • Jung, C. K. & Cho, J. A. National curriculum in the Kim Jong-Un era: General guidelines and English education at the middle school level in North Korea. The Journal of Foreign Studies, 39, 147-166. [article]


  • 정채관.  (2016). 북한이탈청소년 영어 실태 및 지원 방안. 교육광장, Vol. 60, 40-43. [article]
  • Kim, T. G. & Jung, C. K. (2016). Korean High School Student Attitudes toward Pedagogic Corpus Use. Secondary English Education, 9(1), 47-80. [article]


  • Ly, T. H. & Jung, C. K. (2015). A corpus investigation: The similarities and differences of cute, pretty and beautiful. 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature, 21(3), 125-140. [article]
  • Jong, Y. O. & Jung, C. K. (2015). Pedagogical significance of morphological awareness in Korean and English.  English Language Teaching, 8(8), 79-93. [article]
  • Jong, Y. O. & Jung, C. K. (2015). The development of interview techniques in language studies: Facilitating the researchers’ views on interactive encounters. English Language Teaching, 8(7), 30-39. [article]
  • Jung, C. K. & Kim. S. Y. (2015). A study of English learning of North Korean refugee youth in South Korean high schools, The Journal of Foreign Studies, 32, 65-88 [article]
  • Ly, T. H. & Jung, C. K. (2015). Multimodal discourse: A visual design analysis of two advertising image. International Journal of Contents, 11(2), 50-56 [article]
  • Jong, Y. O. & Jung, C. K. (2015). The methodological approach of action research in the field of English language teaching, English Language & Literature Teaching, 21(2), 23-40 [article]
  • Ly, T. H. & Jung, C. K. (2015). A comparison of the style and communicative functionality of two newspaper articles: A Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) approach. Secondary English Education, 8(2), 25-48 [article]


  • Rhee, S. C. & Jung, C. K. (2014). Compilation of the Yonsei English Learner Corpus (YELC) 2011 and its use for understanding current usage of English by Korean pre-university students. Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 14(11), 1019-1029 [article]
  • Crafer, A. & Jung, C. K. (2014). A corpus investigation of the similarities and differences between think about and think ofKorean Journal of Linguistics, 39(2), 337-354 [article]
  • Jung, C. K. (2014). What and when should children be taught about the links between morphemes and spelling? Secondary English Education, 7(1), 3-13 [article]


  • Jung, C. K. (2013). Genre analysis: Undergraduate engineering laboratory report (UELR). Korean Journal of Applied Linguistics, 29(3), 33-73 [article]
  • O’Donoghue, J. & Jung, C. K. (2013). Corpus pedagogy: Analyzing corpus use in the classroom and EFL business student attitudes towards corpora. English Language Teaching, 25(3), 51-74 [article]
  • Ly, T. H. & Jung, C. K. (2013). An exploration of the mental lexicon of Korean EFL learners. Secondary English Education, 6(2), 3-28 [article]
  • Butterfield, A. L. & Jung, C. K. (2013). An hybrid approach to second language writing. Journal of the Korea English Education Society, 12(1), 123-139 [article]
  • Butterfield, A. L. & Jung, C. K. (2013). Comparing news articles: Why Breaking News English (BNE) may not be an authentic resource. Secondary English Education, 6(1), 64-82 [article]


  • Jung, C. K. & Wharton, S. (2012). Finding textual examples of genres: issues for corpus users. Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics, 12(1), 129-148 [article]


  • Jung, C. K. (2009). BAAL 2008: A special report. The Applied Linguistics Association of Korea (ALAK) Newsletter 2009, pp. 38-40.


  • Jong, Y. O., & Jung, C. K. (2008). New horizons in linguistics: e-Research for multidisciplinary collaboration in the virtual environment. The EUROCALL Review, No. 13, Mar 2008. ISSN: 1695-2618 [article]


  • Jung, C. K. (2007). EUROCALL 2007: A conference report. IATEFL CALL Review. Winter 2008, pp. 26-31 [article]



  • Jung, C. K., Kwon, S. H., Kim, B. M., Park, S. E., Park, H. Y., Yoon, S. K., Lee, T. Y., Jun, J. H., Jeong, Y. O., Chae, C. M., Lee, W. K., & Hong, S. H. (2022). My study experience in the UK: Stories from 13 people. Seoul: Bookk. (ISBN: 979-11-372-7483-9). [book]


  • Jung, C. K., Jong, Y. O., Mann, S. Copland, F., Kim, B. M. (2021). Exploring English language with my kids. Seoul: Hankookmunhwasa. (ISBN: 979-11-66850-23-3). [book]
  • Jung, C. K. & Hyun, S. P. (2021). An Introduction to SDL Trados Studio. Incheon: Incheon National University Press. (ISBN: 979-77-89007-23-2)[book]


  • Jung, C. K., Ahn, G. M., Hong, S. H., Lee, W. K., Sim, C. Y., Lee, J. H., Kim, H. D., Kim, M. H., & Kim, S. W. (2018). The 4th Industrial Revolution and Future English Education. Seoul: Hankookmunhwasa. (ISBN: 978-89-6817-626-5). [book] [book poster]
  • Kwon, H. S., Jung, C. K., Kim, J. H. (2018). Corpus Linguistics II. Seoul: Hankookmunhwasa. (ISBN: 978-89-68176-26-5). [book]


  • Kwon, H. S. & Jung, C. K. (2016). Nuclear English: Key Terms and Real Examples. Seoul: Woorichaek. (ISBN: 978-89-90392-61-9) [book]


  • Cho, J. A., Lee, K. D., Kang. H. J. & Jung, C. K. (2015). Education Policy, Education Curriculum, and Textbooks in the Kim Jong-Un Era. Seoul: Korean Institute for National Unification. (ISBN: 978-89-8479-819-9). [book]


  • Sung, T. J, et al (Jung, C. K.) (2013). The Direction and Task of the National Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, and Educational Evaluation in South Korea in 2020. Seoul: Hajisa. (ISBN: 978-89-9970-193-1). [book]


  • Kwon, H. S. & Jung, C. K. (2012). Corpus Linguistics I. Seoul: Hankookmunhwasa. (ISBN: 978-89-5726-955-8). [book]


  • Jung, C. K. (2007). Effective technical writing for Korean scientists and engineers. Seoul: Book Korea. (ISBN: 978-89-9252-119-2) [book]

Culums, TV, radio, and newspaper interviews


  • 정채관(2018.5.23). [북한교육②] 北도 사교육 시장 있다..”악기·영어·수학과외 인기”. 뉴스핌. [기사읽기].
  • 정채관(2018.5.14). “北고교에 원어민 교사”…회담 앞두고 김정은 영어교육 주목. CBS 노컷뉴스. [기사읽기].
  • 정채관(2018.5.9). 우상화 벗어나 세계화 추구..달라지는 北 교육체계. 뉴스핌. [기사읽기].
  • 정채관(2018.3.24). [S 스토리] 실시간 통역 ‘척척’… 외국어 울렁증 ‘뚝’. 세계일보. [기사읽기]



  • 정채관(2014.1.22). 한글로 배우는 영어. JTBC 생활백과.


Technical documents & manuals


  • Jung, C. K. (2011, October). AntConc 3.2.4 Readme File in Korean. (Note: AntConc is a UNICODE compliant freeware corpus software for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux systems, Updated on the AntConc Homepage on 7 October 2011)
  • Jung, C. K. (2011, June). AntConc Readme File in Korean. (Note: AntConc is a UNICODE compliant freeware corpus software for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux systems, Updated on the AntConc Homepage on 30 June 2011)
  • Jung, C. K. (2011). AntConc 3.2.1 Readme File in Korean. (Note: AntConc is a UNICODE compliant freeware corpus software for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux systems, Updated on the AntConc Homepage on 26 June 2011)