Academic Experience
Work Experience I | |||
Institution: | Department of the English Language and Literature, Graduate School of Education, Yonsei University, Korea | Period: | 2012.03 ~ Present |
Role: | Lecturer & MA Thesis Supervisor | ||
Major achievement: | Postgraduate supervision2017/18NameProgrammeThesis Title1. 정윤나(Jung, Y. N.)2. 박현숙(Park, H. S.)3. 안혜정(Ahn, H. J.)4. 강민아(Kang, M. A.)Egnlish Language Education(MA)2016/17NameProgrammeThesis TitleLee, H. S.이효선Egnlish Language Education(MA)The Analysis and Comparison of the North and South Korea’s English Curriculum and Textbooks남·북한 중학교 영어과 교육과정 및 교과서 비교 분석2015/16NameProgrammeThesis TitleKim, S. Y.김서용English Language Education(MA)A study on the derived and inflected forms of basic vocabulary list of 2015 revised English curriculum –Focusing on fifth and sixth grade elementary school student2015 개정 영어과 교육과정 기본 어휘 목록 변화형 연구: 초등학교 5·6학년을 중심으로2014/15NameProgrammeThesis TitleLee, S. H.이승희English Language Education(MA)Corpus-based Analysis of High-frequency verb: Based on the verb “make”코퍼스 기반 한국 예비 대학생의 고빈도 동사 의미 갈래 및 오류분석: 동사 Make를 중심으로2017 Semester 1Graduate School of Education (English Language Education)SEE7112 English Learning Using Corpus (코퍼스를 이용한 영어교육, 교직)Place: 종합관 302호Level: MA and PhDCredit: 2 CreditsMedium of Instruction: Korean2016 Semester 1Graduate School of Education (English Language Education)SEE6594 Seminar on Teaching English (영어교육세미나, 교직)Place: 종합관 302호Level: MA and PhDCredit: 2 CreditsMedium of Instruction: Korean2015 Semester 1Graduate School of Education (English Language Education)SEE7119 English for Specific Purposes and English Language Teaching (특수목적영어개론, 전공선택)Place: 종합관 302호Level: MA and PhDCredit: 2 CreditsMedium of Instruction: Korean2014 Semester 1Graduate School of Education (English Language Education)SEE7122 English Education Workshop: Learner Corpus Compilation and Analysis (학습자영어코퍼스영어교육워크숍, 전공선택)강의평가결과 객관식: [개인평점: 4.95], [학과평균평점: 4.46]주관식: “소규모의 토론식 수업이 너무 재미있었고 배울점이 많았습니다”Place: 종합관 303호Level: MA and PhDCredit: 2 CreditsMedium of Instruction: Korean2013 Semester 2Graduate School of Education (English Language Education)SEE6578-01 Dissertation Writing and Research Methodology (논문작성및연구방법론, 전공선택)강의평가결과 객관식: [개인평점: 4.45], [학과평균평점: 4.07]주관식: “교수님 수업에 있어 가장 감동하고 좋았던 것은 모든 수업 내용을 다시 리뷰 해 정리해 주셨던 것입니다. 다른 꼼꼼한 자료와 함께 자세한 준비된 수업은 수업을 기다리게 하는 힘이었습니다. 교수님 한학기 동안 감사드려요. 다른 친구들에게도 추천하고픈 수업입니다^^”Place: 종합관 302호Level: MA and PhDCredit: 2 CreditsMedium of Instruction: Korean2012 Semester 1Graduate School of Education (English Language Education)SEE7119 English for Specific Purposes and English Language Teaching (특수목적영어개론, 전공선택)강의평가결과 객관식: [개인평점: 4.6], [학과평균평점: 4.22]주관식: “ESP에 관한 내용과 요구분석하는 방법, 무료 사용 코퍼스 툴에 대한 이해를 높였다”Place: 백양관 S608호Level: MA and PhDCredit: 2 CreditsMedium of Instruction: KoreanUndergraduate (Department of the English Language and Literature)ELL3402 Applied English Linguistics (응용언어학의이해, 전공심화)강의평가결과 객관식: [개인평점: 4.49], [대학평균평점: 4.26]주관식: “The most beneficial aspect of this class was that we were actually engaged in some professional research and paper writing”, “experience for doing a big project”, “group work”, “get opportunity how to do the research and analyze the data”, “the professor highly encouraged students’ participation”, “I could think about what linguistics interests in normal life”Place: 외솔관 106Level: 3rd/4th YearCredit: 3 CreditsMedium of Instruction: English |
Work Experience II | |||
Institution: | English Language and Applied Linguistics, Department of English, University of Birmingham, UK | Period: | 2011.02 ~ |
Role: | External Academic Staff (Thesis Supervisor & Tutor) | ||
Major achievements: | 1. MSc Thesis Supervisor | ||
Isupervised many MA students at English Language and Applied Linguistics, Department of English, University of Birmingham, UK. All received their MA degrees successfully. | |||
2011/12 | |||
Name | Programme | Thesis Title | |
Camilla Beaty | Applied Linguistics | “A Study of the Dialogic Features of Chinese Students’ IELTS Writing” (MA, 2012) | |
2010/11 | |||
Name | Programme | Thesis Title | |
Hyeonsook Yang | Translation Studies | “lnvestigating the Relationship between the Stylistic Features and the Function of the Text: A Translation From English Into Korean” (MA, 2011) | |
2. MSc Tutor | |||
I was Tutor for 2 MA students from 2011 to 2012. | |||
2011/12 | |||
Name | Programme | ||
David Warren | Applied Linguistics (MA) | ||
Nicholas Hayes | Applied Linguistics (MA) |
Work Experience III | |||
Institution: | Department of English Language Education (DELE),University of Inha, Korea | Period: | 2011.03 ~ Present |
Role: | Teaching Professor | ||
Major achievement: | 2012 Semester 1Graduate (인하대학교 사범대학 영어교육과 대학원)RO508: Multimedia Use in Teaching English (멀티미디어영어교육, 전공필수)강의평가결과종합분석결과: 교수방법(98.4/100), 학습성취(99.0/100), 강의전반(100/100)학 생의견: “매우 많은 지식의 진보가 있었다. 신선하고 어떤 내용은 충격적이기까지 하였다”, “언어 프로그램, 특히 코퍼스에 대해서 엄청나게 많은 것들을 알게 되었다”, “교수님의 열정이 있었다. 자부심, 그리고 무엇보다 그 자신감은 교수로써 매우 훌륭하고 좋은 자질이라고 생각한다”Place: 서호관 404호Level: MA and PhDCredit: 3 CreditsMedium of Instruction: KoreanUndergraduate (인하대학교 사범대학 영어교육과)EJ511: An Introduction to English Language Teaching (영어교육입문, 전공선택)강의평가결과(참여율: 100%) 종합분석결과: [원점수: 88.70], [사범대학평균: 70.25]학 생의견: “교수님이 학생들을 너무 잘 배려해주시고 잘 가르쳐주셨습니다”, “영어로 진행되는 수업이 부담이 되었지만 배울점이 많았던 수업이었다. 일학년 과목으로 알고 신청했지만 선배들이 많아서 시험에 대한 부담이 컸고 발표수업에 대한 부담도 적지 않았다. 하지만 앞으로 전공 수업을 잘 들을 수 있는 출발점이 된 것 같다”, “쉬운설명, 학생들과의 상호작용이 좋았습니다”, “교수님께서 도움이 되는 이야기들을 많이 해주시고, 교재 내용중에 어려운 개념이 있으면 사례를 활용해서 최대한 쉽게 설명해주셔서 강의 이해가 쉬웠습니다. 수업 내용도 기억에 많이 남고, 교수님이 정말 좋은 분 같아서 수업 듣는 동안 편안함을 느낄 수 있었습니다”, “교수님과의 상호작용이 활발하여 매우 좋았습니다”Place: 서호관 328호Level: 1st YearCredit: 3 CreditsMedium of Instruction: EnglishEJ712: Materials and Methods in English Language Teaching (외국어교재연구및지도법, 교직필수)강의평가결과(참여율: 100%)종합분석결과: [원점수: 74.3], [사범대학평균: 70.25]학 생의견: “교과서를 제작하는 과정에서 많은 단계와 절차를 걸치고 효과적으로 수업을 하기위해 노력이 이뤄진다는 것을 배울 수 있던 수업이었다. 교수님께서 학생들의 이름을 한명씩 다 외우시는 모습이 인상적이었다. 메일을 통해 학생들의 의견을 들으려고 하는 모습도 인상적이었다. 한학기 동안 즐겁고 재미있는 수업을 들었다고 생각한다”, “재밌었어여 ㅋ”, “교수님께서 학생들과 끊임없이 피드백을 주고 받았던 것이 인상 깊었습니다. 어려운 개념에 대해서 다양하게 접근해봄으로써 그러한 개념의 이해를 도왔습니다. 학생들과 유대관계도 좋았고 학생들에 대한 배려도 좋으셔서 매우 만족스러운 강의였습니다”, “본 강의를 통하여 외국어 교재연구와 지도법에 관한 전반적인 개념과 그 외의 교육에 관련된 기본적인 용어와 개념들을 알 수 있었던 좋은 시간이었습니다. 특히 발표수업을 통하여 학생들에게 개념에 대하여 탐구를 하게 해봄으로써 학생들이 어려운 교육적인 개념들을 좀 더 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 한 것과 이를 토대로 교재를 직접 만들어 보았던 것은 매우 즐겁고 유익한 경험이었습니다. 그리고 교수님이 여러가지 세심하게 신경써주셔서 더욱 수업을 잘 따라 갈수있던 것 같아서 좋았고, 감사했던 시간이었습니다”Place: 5W269Level: 3rd YearCredit: 3 CreditsMedium of Instruction: Korean2011 Semester 2Graduate (인하대학교 사범대학 영어교육과 대학원)RO606: Writing Research Papres in English Education (영어교육논문작성법, 전공필수)강의평가결과종합분석결과: 교수방법(91.7/100), 학습성취(91.7/100), 강의전반(91.7/100)학생의견: “영어로 작성하는 논문의 기초를 세울 수 있었습니다”Place: 서호관 428호Level: MA and PhDCredit: 3 CreditsMedium of Instruction: KoreanUndergraduate(인하대학교 사범대학 영어교육과)EJ732-001: A Communicative Grammar of English Using Corpus Approach (영문법연습 및 지도법, 전공필수)Place: 5W365Level: 3rd YearCredit: 3 CreditsMedium of Instruction: EnglishEJ732-002: A Communicative Grammar of English Using Corpus Approach (영문법연습 및 지도법, 전공필수)Place: 5S570Level: 3rd YearCredit: 3 CreditsMedium of Instruction: English2011 Semester 1Graduate (인하대학교 사범대학 영어교육과 대학원)RO604: Corpus and English Language Teaching (코퍼스와 영어교육, 전공선택)Place: 5W313Level: MA and PhDCredit: 3 CreditsMedium of Instruction: Korean |
Work Experience VI | |||
Institution: | English Informatics Laboratory (former English Corpus Lab), Yonsei University, Korea | Period: | 2011.09 ~ 2012.09 |
Role: | Senior Research Fellow | ||
Major achievement: | Visit: |
Work Experience V | |||
Institution: | Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL), Seoul National University, Korea | Period: | 2011.03 ~ 2011.07 |
Role: | Senior Research Fellow | ||
Major achievement: | I worked on a project which investigates SNU students’ needs for improving their communication skills while they were taking English-medium lectures and seminar by international professors (SNU Project No. 7006493-000711). |
Work Experience VI | |||
Institution: | Warwick Manufacturing Group, University of Warwick, UK | Period: | 2003.10 ~ 2006.09 |
Role: | Thesis Supervisor, Examiner, and Tutor | ||
Major achievements: | 1. MSc Thesis Supervisor | ||
I supervised 6 full-time MSc students at International Manufacturing Centre, University of Warwick. All received their MSc degrees successfully except one due to his unethical behaviour. | |||
2004/05 | |||
Name | Programme | Thesis Title | |
D. Li | Manufacturing Systems Engineering | “Methods for Measuring Complexity in Manufacturing Systems” (MSc, 2006) | |
R. Thanavaravit | Supply Engineering and Logistics | “The Current Mass Customisation Practice: Jewellery Industry in Thailand” (MSc, 2006) | |
2003/04 | |||
Name | Programme | Thesis Title | |
J. Zhou | Engineering Business Management | “Complexity Measurement & Control” (Certificate, 2005) | |
J. I. Jeong | Supply Engineering and Logistics | “Mass Customisation: A New Paradigm in Supply Chain Management” (MSc, 2005) | |
E. Opoku | Engineering Business Management | “Business Process Monitoring at Bookham Technology” (MSc, 2005) | |
A. Ogunmodede | Engineering Business Management | “Improvement of Customer Response Time at Bookham Technology” (MSc, 2005) | |
2. MSc Tutor | |||
I was Tutor for 18 full-time MSc students from 2003 to 2006. | |||
2005/06 | |||
Name | Programme | ||
X. Chen | Supply Engineering and Logistics (MSc) | ||
J. Gu | Supply Engineering and Logistics (MSc) | ||
X. Liu | Supply Engineering and Logistics (MSc) | ||
M. Therkildsen | Supply Engineering and Logistics (MSc) | ||
C. Yang | Supply Engineering and Logistics (MSc) | ||
L. Zhang | Supply Engineering and Logistics (MSc) | ||
2004/05 | |||
Name | Programme | ||
S. Amarekajorn | Engineering Business Management (MSc) | ||
P. Harndumrongsak | Engineering Business Management (MSc) | ||
D. Daniels | Engineering Business Management (MSc) | ||
G. Konstantakos | Engineering Business Management (MSc) | ||
Y. Li | Engineering Business Management (MSc) | ||
Y. Wang | Engineering Business Management (MSc) | ||
2003/04 | |||
Name | Programme | ||
F. Mo | Electronic Business Management (MSc) | ||
M. Molfetas | Electronic Business Management (MSc) | ||
N. Mouatsos | Electronic Business Management (MSc) | ||
M. Jeelani | Electronic Business Management (MSc) | ||
A. Ogunmodede | Electronic Business Management (MSc) | ||
J. Ouyang | Electronic Business Management (MSc) |
Work Experience VII | |||
Institution: | Warwick Accommodation & The Centre for English Language Teacher Education (CELTE),University of Warwick, UK | Period: | 2003.07 ~ 2004.11 |
Role: | Residential Warden & Residential Assistant | ||
Major achievements: | 1. Residential Warden | ||
I was responsible for the welfare of 121 postgraduate students across the University of Warwick in my role as residential tutor and warden at Bericote, Loxley and Anchor House. I provided advice and practical help to students who may encounter long-term, day-to-day problems at the University particularly as regards residential regulations and discipline. | |||
2. The Pre-sessional English Course Residential Assistant | |||
The Pre-sessional English course is an intensive English programme for non-native speakers of English designed to help them acquire the necessary language skills to join their academic courses at the start of the university term. I was responsible for discipline, student welfare in the residences, and managing a team of seven residential staff. |