Invited plenary and keynote presentations
- Jung, C. K. (2016, October). Introduction to BNCweb. 2016 The Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics (KASELL) Conference. (Kwangwoon University, 15 October 2016).
- Jung, C. K. (2016, May). 2015 개정 영어과 교육과정 기본 어휘 관련 개선 방안: 대표형에 포함되는 변화형을 중심으로. 2016년도 한국영어학회 봄학술대회(서울대학교 사범대학 사범교육협력센터, 28 May 2016).
Invited conference presentations
- 정채관 (2019, 8월). 공학 영어와 ESP 코퍼스 활용.
- 정채관 (2019, 5월). 연구윤리교육: 최근 연구윤리 부정 사례를 중심으로. 2019년도 한국영어학회 봄 학술대회. 광운대학교 참빛관 B101호, 2019년 5월 25일.
- 정채관 & 김태국 (2019, 5월). 코퍼스 기반 검정고시 영어 어휘 분석 연구. 2019년도 한국영어학회 봄 학술대회. 광운대학교 참빛관 B107호, 2019년 5월 25일.
- 정채관 (2019, 2월). 4차 산업혁명 시대 남북한 공통 초등 영어과 교육과정 개발 제안. 2019 서울교대 창의인성언어교육센터 학술대회. 서울교육대학교 에듀웰센터 2층 컨벤션홀, 2019년 2월 8일.
- 정채관 (2018, 11월). 영어 코퍼스 구축의 실제. 인천대학교 인문학연구소 제5차 콜로퀴움. 인천대학교 인문대학 동시통역실(15호관 329호), 2018년 11월 8일.
- 정채관 (2018, 10월). 4차 산업혁명 시대 중등 영어과 교육과정 개발 방향 연구. 2018년도 한국영어학회 가을학술대회(동국대학교 문화관, 27 October 2018).
- 정채관 (2018, 10월). 연구윤리: 2018 개정 연구윤리확보지침을 중심으로. 2018년도 한국영어학회 가을학술대회(동국대학교 문화관, 27 October 2018).
- Jung, C. K. & Rhee, S. C. (2018. September). New English Education in North Korea: A Corpus Approach. 2018 Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference, LAK International Conference. Takamatsu City, Japan, 17-19 September 2018. International
- 정채관 (2018, 6월). ESP 코퍼스 구축과 실제 적용. 2018년 이화여자대학교 국제사무학과 ESP 코퍼스 구축 및 연구 세미나. 이화여자대학교 신세계관 312호, 2018년 6월 21일.
- Jung, C. K. (2017, November). National English Curriculum and English Textbooks in the 4th Industrial Revolution Era (4차 산업혁명 시대의 영어과 교육과정과 영어교과서의 개발 방향). The Korean Society of Bilingualism – Hankuk University of Foreign Studies IFLE Joint-Conference, 210-211. (Cyber Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 18 November 2018).
- Yunna, Jung, & C. K. Jung. (2017, October). A Comparative Study of the Secondary English Textbooks Used in North and South Korea: A Corpus Approach (남북한 중학교 영어 교과서 비교분석 연구: 코퍼스 접근). 2017 The Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics (KASELL) – Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation (KICE) Joint-Conference. 48-49. (Hanyang University, 21 October 2017).
- Jung, C. K. (2017, October). Introduction to Research Ethics (연구윤리교육). 2017 The Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics (KASELL) – Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation (KICE) Joint-Conference. 170-172. (Hanyang University, 21 October 2017).
- Jung, C. K. (2017, April). 4th Industrial Revolution and English National Curriculum at the Middle and High School Level in Korea. 2017 KICE English Education Series 1, 10. (KICE, Korea. 21 April 2017)
- Kwon, H. S. & Jung, C. K. (2017, January). Introduction to Nuclear English: Key Terms and Real Examples. Proceedings of 2017 Korea Association of Teachers of English Special Interest Group (KATE SIG) Conference, 00-00. (Yonsei University, Korea. 7 January 2017)
- Jung, C. K. (2017, January). 2013 English National Curriculum & English Textbook in North Korea. Proceedings of 2017 Korea Association of Teachers of English Special Interest Group (KATE SIG) Conference, 00-00. (Yonsei University, Korea. 7 January 2017)
- Jung, C. K. (2016, October). English in North Korea: A corpus approach. The Third Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference (APCLC). (Beihang Univerisity, China, 21-23 October 2016) International
- Kim, T. K. & Jung, C. K. (2015, November). 전국 단위 영어시험 기출문제 코퍼스 활용: 고등학생을 중심으로. 2015 한국영어학회-한국중등영어교육학회-한국교육과정평가원 겨울 공동학술대회. (Seoul National University, Korea. 28 November 2015).
- Jung, C. K. (2015, November). ‘남북한 사회통합 현안과 통일교육’에 관한 토론. 2015 학습자중심교과교육학회 추계 학술대회. (Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation, Korea. 20 November 2015).
- Jin, K. A., Lee, H. W., & Jung, C. K. (2015, October). Investigation of Korean elementary school students’ preceding learning experiences and their basic English ability with regard to the curriculum. 2015 British Council New Directions in English Language Assessment: Quality and Consequence. (JW Marriott Dongdaemun Square Seoul, Korea. 15-16 October 2015). International
- Jung, C. K. & Rhee, S. C. (2015, September). Corpus Linguistics and English for Specific Purposes (ESP): Developing a corpus-based ESP materials design course at the postgraduate level in Korea. 2015 Applied Linguistics Association of Korea (ALAK) International Conference. (Chung-Ang University, Korea. 19 September 2015).
- Jung, C. K. (2015, June). Corpus and English Language Teaching. 2015 IFLE Conference. (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 13 June 2015).
- Jung, C. K. & Kim, S. Y. (2015, May). North Korean refugee youth in South Korean high schools and English education. 2015 The Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics (KASELL) & The Linguistic Society of Korea Joint Conference. (Dongkuk University, 30 May 2015).
- Jung, C. K. (2015, February). Corpus and English for Specific Purposes (ESP). Round table discussion. (Seoul National University, 12 February 2015).
- Jung, C. K. (2015, January). Phraseological patterns in a large corpus of biomedical articles by Saber, A., Korea Association of Teachers of English (KATE) SIG Conference: Corpus SIG. (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 10 January 2015).
- Kim, T. K., & Jung, C. K. (2014, September). ESP Corpora for English language teachers (현장교사를 위한 특수목적 DIY 영어시험 기출문제 코퍼스 구축 및 활용방안). 2014 Korea Association of Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning (KAMALL) Conference. (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 20 September 2014).
- O’Donoghue, J. & Jung, C. K. (2014, July). Corpus pedagogy: Analysing EFL business student attitudes towards corpora. 11th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference (TaLC). (Lancaster University, UK, 20-23 July 2014). International
- Rhee, S. C., & Jung, C. K. (2014, May). Error Analysis of Korean High School Students (우리나라 고등학교 영어 학습자 구어 코퍼스(spoken corpus) 오류 분석 및 활용 방안: 동사 뒤에 나오는 전치사를 중심으로). 2014 The Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics (KASELL) & The Linguistic Society of Korea Joint Conference, 39-41. (Seoul National University, 31 May 2014).
- Jung, C. K. (2014, May). 코퍼스를 활용한 자료주도 영어학습. 2014 The Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics (KASELL) & The Linguistic Society of Korea Joint Conference, 81-83. (Seoul National University, 31 May 2014).
- Jung, C. K., Kim, J. S., Pae, J. K., Hwang, P. A., Rhee, S. C. (2014, March). A corpus-based error analysis of Korean high school students’ spoken English. Paper will be presented at 2014 Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference (APCLC), (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. 7-9 March 2014). International
- 정채관, 배주경, 이석재. (2014, 2월). 우리나라 고등학교 영어 학습자 구어 텍스트 코퍼스 오류 분석: 동사 오류를 중심으로. 2014 한국언어과학회 겨울학술대회, 153-154. 부경대학교. 2014년 2월 20일.
- 김태국, 정채관. (2014. 2월). 영어시험 기출문제 코퍼스 구축 및 분석: 탈어휘 동사(delexicalized verb)를 중심으로. 2014 한국언어과학회 겨울학술대회, 123. 부경대학교. 2014년 2월 20일.
- 김소연, 김준식, 정채관. (2014년 2월). 문화 이해와 인성 계발을 위한 영어 수업 연구. 2014 한국언어과학회 겨울학술대회, 129-131. 부경대학교. 2014년 2월 20일.
- Jung, Y. J., Jung, C. K., Rhee, S.C. (2013, October). A corpus-based study of english unaccusatives in Korean EFL learners’ writing. Paper presented at the 11th Asia TEFL International Conference, 00-00. (Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines, 26-28 October 2013) International
- Jung, C. K. (2013, October). Speaking item development using DIY corpora for teachers. Paper presented at 2013 Applied Linguistics Association of Korea (ALAK) International Conference, 406-410. (Busan University of Foreign Studies, Korea. 4-5 October 2013)
- Rhee, S. C. & Jung, C. K. (2013, September). Yonsei English Learner Corpus (YELC) compilation, analysis, and findings. Poster presented at 2013 Learner Corpus Research (LCR) Conference, 135-136. (Bergen, Norway. 27-29 September 2013) International
- Rhee, S. C. & Jung, C. K. (2013, July). Korean EFL learners’ errors at different proficiency levels of English: A case of Yonsei English Learner Corpus (YELC) 2012. Paper presented at 2013 Korea Association of Teachers of English (KATE) International Conference, 251-252. (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea. 5-6 July 2013)
- Rhee, S. C. & Jung, C. K. (2013, April). Common errors in Korean EFL learners’ texts. Paper presented at the 2nd Yonsei English Corpus Symposium. (Yonsei University, Korea. 6 April 2013)
- Jung, C. K. (2013, January). Use of ‘I’ in essays by Japanese EFL learners: Its implications on ICLE-KR. Proceedings of 2013 Korea Association of Teachers of English Special Interest Group (KATE SIG) Conference, 89-94. (Kyungpook National University, Korea. 12 January 2013)
- Kim, J. S. & Jung, C. K (2012, October). Is CLAWS working well with the text written by learners of English. Proceedings of 2012 Jungang English Language and Literature Association of Korea Annual Conference, 199-203. (Korea National University of Transportation, Korea. 26 October 2012)
- Park, M. S. & Jung, C. K (2012, October). Introduction of ICLE-KR project. Proceedings of the 2012 Applied Linguistics Association of Korea International Conference, 113-116. (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea. 13 October 2012)
- Jung, C. K. (2012, October). National English Ability Test (NEAT) and Primary English Education. Proceedings of the 2012 Korea Association of Secondary English Education (KASEE) Annual Conference, 107-112. (Kangwon University, Korea. 12 October 2012)
- Rhee, S. C. & Jung, C. K. (2012, March). Yonsei English Learner Corpus (YELC). Paper presented at the 1st Yonsei English Corpus Symposium, 25-36. (Yonsei University, Korea. 31 March 2012)
- Jung, C. K. (2012, January). Income/interest/net: Using internal criteria to determine the aboutness of a text (Cheng 2009). The paper presented at Korea Association of Teachers of English Special Interest Group (KATE SIG) Conference, 240-246. (Jeju National University, Korea. 7 January 2012)
- Jung, C. K. (2011, November). Understanding undergraduate engineering laborarty reports: A genre and corpus-based approach. Paper presented at Applied Linguistics Association of Korea (ALAK) Conference, Seoul, Korea. 12 November 2011.
- Jung, C. K. (2011, February). Specificity in resources for EAP: Laboratory reports from 11 specific engineering disciplines. Paper presented at Writing Research Across Borders II Conference, Washington D.C., US, 17-20 February 2011. International
- Jung, C. K. (2009, September). A helicopter view of the BAWE corpus: Locating a specific genre from a collection of academic writings. Paper presented at British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL) Conference, Newcastle, UK. 3-5 September 2009. International
- Jung, C. K. (2009, May). Understanding undergraduate engineering laboratory reports: From academic contexts to professional contexts. Paper presented at British Association for Applied Linguistics & Cambridge University Press Seminar, Coventry, UK. 15-16 May 2009. International
- Jung, C. K. (2008, September). Occluded genre: Undergraduate engineering laboratory reports. Paper presented at British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL) Conference, Swansea, UK. 11-13 September 2008. International
- Jung, C. K. (2008, July). Academic writing as professional practice: Undergraduate engineering laboratory reports. Paper presented at Writing and Professional Practice Seminar, Milton Keynes, UK. 19 July 2008. International
- Jung, C. K. (2008, April). Maximising the impact of CALL technologies into an L2 writing classroom. Paper presented at International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) Conference, Exeter, UK. 7-11 April 2008. International
- Jung, C. K. (2007, September). Effective use of CALL technology for L2 writing in South Korea. Poster presented at European Computer Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL) Conference, Coleraine, Northern Ireland. 5-8 September 2007. International
Invited workshops & talks
- 정채관 (2019, 1월). 2019 한국영어학회 동계 코퍼스 워크숍(2차). 서울대학교 인문대학 1동 203호, 2019년 1월 18일.
- 정채관 (2019, 1월). 2019 한국영어학회 동계 코퍼스 워크숍(1차). 서울대학교 인문대학 1동 203호, 2019년 1월 17일.
- 정채관 (2019, 1월). 디지털 인문학: 코퍼스 워크숍 II. 연세대학교 BK사업단.
- 정채관 (2019, 1월). 디지털 인문학: 코퍼스 워크숍 I. 연세대학교 BK사업단.
- 정채관(2018, 8월). 4차 산업혁명 시대 영어교사의 역할. 2018년도 중등 영어 1급 정교사 자격연수. 대전교육연수원, 2018년 8월 1일.
- 정채관(2018, 5월). 우리 딸 영어, 무엇을 어떻게 해야 하나? 영 어 전문가들의 팁. 서울교육대학교 연구강의동 사향문화관, 2018년 5월27일).
- 정채관(2018, 5월). 북한 영어교육 정책변화, 2013 영어과 교육강령 분 석 및 통일대비 교육협력방안. (국회 의원회관 제2세미나실, 2018년 5월 9일).
- 정채관(2018, 4월). 북한 청년층의 영어에 대한 관심과 북한 영어교육 열풍. 숙명여대 정치외교학과 <생활속의 북한알기> 특별강의. (숙명여자대학교 순헌관 5층 중강당 511호, 2018년 4월 11일).
- 정채관(2018, 3월). 남북한 영어 교과서 비교 연구. 남북한 학교 교육 과정 비교 연구 특별강의. (북한대학원대학교 2018년 3월 14일).
- 정채관(2018, 3월). 남북한 영어과 교육과정 비교 연구. 남북한 학교 교육과정 비교 연구 특별강의. (북한대학원대학교2018년 3월 13일).
- Jung, C. K. (2017, December). Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA)의 이론과 실제. 서강대학교 영미어문학과 CORE 장학 생 세미나. (서강대학교 정하상관 608호, 2017년 12월 29일).
- Jung, C. K. (2017, October). 4차 산업혁명과 영어교육: 중등 영어과 교육과정의 방향. 2017 중등 4차 산업혁명 대비 미래 영어교육 역량 강 화 직무연수. Invited talk organized by 대구광역시교육연수원. 2017년 8월 14일.
- Jung, C. K. (2017, August). 수능영어절대평가제에 따른 영어 교과목의 PBL 운영. Invited talk organized by 인하대학교 사범대학. 2017년 8월 14일.
- Jung, C. K. (2017, August). 빅데이터 분석. Invited talk organized by 서울교육대학교 창의인성교육센터. 2017년 8월 10일.
- Jung, C. K. (2017, July). 4th Industrial Revolution and English Language Education at the Secondary School Level (4차 산업혁명과 미래 영어교육의 방향: 중등 영어과 교육과정 을 중심으로). Invited talk organized by 충청남도교육연수원, 2017 중등 영어 1급 정교사 자격연수, 28 July 2017.
- Jung, C. K. (2017, June). 4th Industrial Revolution and English Language Education in Korea. Invited talk organized by Graduate School of Education, Sogang University, 29 June 2017.
- Jung, C. K. (2017, May). 4th Industrial Revolution and English Textbooks in Korea. Invited discussion organized by Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation. 21 May 2017.
- Jung, C. K. (2017, March). Corpus Compilation at the Primary School Level in Korea. Invited discussion organized by Office of Planning and International Affairs, Seoul National University of Education. 15 March 2017.
- Jung, C. K. (2017, February). ‘A Discourse-Level Analysis of the Use of Past Followed by a Temporal Noun’. Invited discussion organized by Language and Information Institute, Sogang University. 3 February 2017.
- Jung, C. K. (2016, October). Wordlists in 2015 National Curriculum (English): Derivation and Inflection. Invited talk organized by Department of English, Gyeongin National University of Education. 24 October 2016.
- Jung, C. K. (2016, October). Introduction to Research Ethics. Invited talk organized by The Korean Association for the Study of English Language and Linguistics (KASELL), Kwangwoon University, 15 October 2016.
- Jung, C. K. (2016, May). DIY Corpus Compilation and Analysis. 2016 Institute of Foreign Language Education (IFLE) Conference. (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 19 May 2016).
- Jung, C. K. (2016, March). Corpus and Computational Linguistics. Invited talk organized by Department of English, Sogang University. Room 614, Jeong Hasang Hall, 18 March 2016.
- Jung, C. K. (2015, May). Successful English abstract writing. 한국교육과정평가원 영어전공실 워크숍. Invited workshop organized by 한국교육과정평가원 영어전공실. 한국교육과정평가원 대회의실. 21 Many 2015.
- Jung, C. K. (2015, May). 2015 한국응용언어학회 코퍼스 아카데미 워크숍: Corpus & English for Specific Purposes (ESP). Invited workshop organized by 한국응용언어학회 & 서울대학교 인문정보연구소. 서울대학교 인문대 학(3동 312호). 16 May 2015.
- Jung, C. K. (2015, May). 2015 한국응용언어학회 코퍼스 아카데미 워크숍: Corpus & English Education. Invited workshop organized by 한국응용언어학회 & 서울대학교 인문정보연구소. 서울대학교 인문대 학(3동 312호). 9 May 2015.
- Jung, C. K. (2015, May). 2015 한국응용언어학회 코퍼스 아카데미 워크숍: Corpus & English Literature. Invited workshop organized by 한국응용언어학회 & 서울대학교 인문정보연구소. 서울대학교 인문대 학(3동 312호). 2 May 2015.
- Jung, C. K. (2015, April). 2015 한국응용언어학회 코퍼스 아카데미 워크숍: Vocabulary (Lex Tutor). Invited workshop organized by 한국응용언어학회 & 서울대학교 인문정보연구소. 서울대학교 인문대 학(3동 312호). 18 April 2015.
- Jung, C. K. (2015, April). 2015 한국응용언어학회 코퍼스 아카데미 워크숍: World English (COCA, BNC). Invited workshop organized by 한국응용언어학회 & 서울대학교 인문정보연구소. 서울대학교 인문대 학(3동 312호). 11 April 2015.
- Jung, C. K. (2015, March). 2015 한국응용언어학회 제2언어교육 연구방법론 워크숍: 코퍼스. Invited talk organized by 한국응용언어학회. 한국외국어대학교 애경홀. 28 March 2015.
- Jung, C. K. (2014, June). 평가혁신(영어과 서술형/논술형 평가 문항의 출제 및 평 가 기준 작성 방법). Invited talk organized by 분당중앙고등학교. 2층 인문학실. 16 June 2014.
- Jung, C. K. (2014, April). Discussant(토론자). “Data mining with L2 learner performance data” by Professor Yukio Tono (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies). Complex Knowledge and Language Education session, 제3회 연세대학교 인문학 국제학술대회(Humanities and Communities: Writing, Language, Public Sphere 인문학과 사회공동체: 문자, 언어, 공공성). 연세대학 교 학술정보원 장기원기념과 7층 국제회의실. 주최: 연세대학교 문과 대학, 주관: 연세대학교 인문학연구원, 참여: 연세대학교 언어정보연구 원, 국학연구원, 24 Arpil 2014.
- Jung, C. K. (2013, December). 의사소통 중심의 수행평가용 영어 말하기 문항 출 제 및 채점. Invited talk organized by 경기도 외국어교육연수원. 경기도 외국어 교육연수원 Challenge Hall. 12 December 2013.
- Jung, C. K. (2013, November). 영어과 교육과정 특강: 코퍼스에 기반한 교육과 정 개발 및 교재개발. Invited talk organized by 중앙대학교 사범대학 영어교육과. 중앙대학교 서라벌관 302호. 28 November 2013.
- Jung, C. K. (2013, November). 학습자 코퍼스의 이론과 실제. Invited talk organized by 서울대학교 인문학연구원 인문정보연구소. 서울대학교 인문관 3동 313호. 11 November 2013.
- Jung, C. K. (2013, August). 의사소통 중심의 영어 말하기/쓰기 전문교사 양성 연 수: 내 교실에 꼭 맞는 수업 및 평가 디자인. Invited talk organized by 한국교육과정평가원. 한국교원대학교 종합교육연수원. 2-3 August 2013.
- Jung, C. K. (2013, July). 의사소통 중심의 영어 말하기/쓰기 전문교사 양성 연 수: 내 교실에 꼭 맞는 수업 및 평가 디자인. Invited talk organized by 한국교육과정평가원. 한국교원대학교 종합교육연수원. 26-27 July 2013.
- Jung, C. K. (2013, February). NEAT 출제경향 및 채점기준 분석을 통한 수업 방법 개 선 세미나. Invited talk organized by 인천광역시 고등학교 영어교과연구회. 인천 부개여자고등학교. 4 February 2013.
- Jung, C. K. (2013, January). Speaking in National English Ability Test (NEAT). Invited workshop organizaed by Korea Association of Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning (KAMALL), Chung-ang University, Korea. 26 January 2013 (pp. 52-66).
- Jung, C. K. (2012, November). Speaking in National English Ability Test (NEAT). Invited talk organized by NEAT 교사연구회, 성사고등학교. 28 November 2012.
- Jung, C. K. (2012, November). National English Ability Test (NEAT), DIY corpora, and strategic use of concordancers. Invited talk organized by Korea English Education Society (KEES), Hannam University, Korea. 17 November 2012..
- Jung, C. K. (2012, November). Speaking in National English Ability Test (NEAT). Invited talk organized by 울산 NEAT 교사연구회, 문현고등학교. 17 November 2012.
- Jung, C. K. (2012, February). Writing Successful Abstracts. Invited talk organized by Yonsei University, Korea, 22 February 2012.
- Jung, C. K. (2012, January) How to teach corpus linguistics to graduate students. Invited talk organized by Corpus Linguistics Study Group, Busan National University, Korea. 14 January 2012.
- Jung, C. K. (2011, November). Writing successful abstracts: A genre and corpus approach. Invited talk organized by Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea. 24 November 2011.
- Jung, C. K. (2011, September- 2012, January). Technical Writing for Computer & IT Students . Invited workshop organized by College of Information Technology, Ajou University.
- Jung, C. K. (2011, August). A Special Corpus Practicum for Yonsei University Students. Invited workshop organized by Yonsei University, Korea. 16-25 August 2011.
- Jung, C. K. & Ha, M. J (2011, August). Getting to grips with corpus and corpus software. Invited workshop organized by Applied Linguistics Association of Korea (ALAK), Korea. 19 August 2011.
- Jung, C. K. (2011, June). English-medium modules by international faculties at Seoul National University: Perceptions of Korean students. Invited talk organized by Seoul National University (SNU), Korea. 3 June 2011.
- Jung, C. K. (2011, May). Abstracts and the writing of successful abstracts. Invited workshop organised by Seoul National University (SNU), Korea. 23 May 2011.
- Jung, C. K. (2011, May). English for academic discussions. Invited workshop organized by Seoul National University (SNU), Korea. 16 May 2011.
- Jung, C. K. & Park, J. D. (2011, May). Moodle tutorial. Invited workshop organised by Society of e-Learning Conference, Seoul, Korea.
- Jung, C. K. (2011, February). Smart education: Strategic use of Moodle forums. Invited talk organized by Korea Moodle Association, Korea. 25 February 2011.
- Jung, C. K. (2008, September). Effective Website Management: Enhancing Your Website with Better Titles. Invited talk organized by Kyungil University, Korea. 29 September 2008.
- Jung, C. K. (2008, July). Effective online tutoring for Korean teachers and academics. 2-day workshop organized by Pai Chai University, Korea. 28-29 July 2008.